Monday, September 16, 2013

This Is The Blackest Post I've Ever Done (In Every Way)


So, Glenn Reynolds has posted the Washington shooter's photo because,..."narrative". 

Also, Glenn's influential, don't you know. A positive or negative influence, nobody says. Seen any blacks on his site?

Oh yeah - there's that one. I bet he's the only one today - or yesterday - before he gunned anyone down.

That's what it takes for blacks to regularly get on Instapundit.

No? I challenge you, Reynolds - anybody - to show me, after all these years, where Glenn Reynolds let a black guest blog while he was gone.

He lets Althouse and she voted for Obama and is a feminist - part of the problem - and two things Reynolds blogs against.


But there's nothing racist going on - those two Boomer champions are just showing us how the new world they created "works".

You see, Glenn put this guy on the blog because the other outlets are describing him as a "Texan," and Glenn thinks we should be more focussed on something else. I wonder what it could be?

I'm looking.

This photo, above, startled Ann Althouse - who thinks black "bellyaching" music (like Marvin Gaye) is below her - I don't still know why. She probably can't dance, either.

  From what I hear, certain folks being seen on the runway will do that to some people.

What do you see?

The shooter's definitely better looking than Reynolds (or Ann) but I doubt that's it. Could it be that this maniac isn't white - like almost all the others in American history? I doubt that, too, because A) Glenn never mentioned it, and B) that would be a reason for cheering - a civil rights triumph! We're getting EQUAL, guys! Hooray!

No, as much as Instapundit's Grand Dragon wants to stir the race issue some more, the real "narrative" here is how much Americans are learning to hate each other. How certain groups and individuals are allowed to run roughshod over others, without recourse, and whatever happens "happens" afterwards. That's all. Don't put that look on your face, that says you have no idea how these things happen, because we know good and well how these things happen.

The neglect of society.

I had to turn the radio off in my car today, because I couldn't stand to listen to two feminists talk about "where feminism went wrong" and then go on talking about advancing it, like they weren't also discussing everyone's life that was being destroyed under it's weight. I turned the radio off because there was no need to change the channel - there was only going to be more malarky there. And all of it crushing someone. And all of that being insisted on.

Considering the scale of the operation, and how long it's been going on, they make the so-called "race hustlers" look puny.


This is life, seen from the bottom, in a morally bankrupt society. 

NOT the society blacks marched to join. 

How many more years of lectures must I endure? On race, or that all-important climate change? As many as there'll be, because no one's going to stop it. Only someone with a gun can possibly make a dent in it - because we live in a morally bankrupt society. Hell, if Al Gore gets killed, the shooter will be the good guy! How's that for hippies flipping America's moral narrative upside down? Unfortunately, the headlines won't read "MASSIVE SCAM ARTIST MURDERED" but some nonsense about serving alongside the perv with a cigar fetish. 

They're the nation's heroes.

That's who we are now - a nation of liars. Nobody's ever going to get hurt in that scenario, right? Matthew Shepard = MLK. Ask Ann Althouse. She's got a gay son and that's all the reason needed to push lies on everyone else. Never to stop it. Her son wants to get "married". Ann's on her "second" fresh dick, so I can see the appeal to her kid.

Anyway, when I saw this shooter, I laughed. I laughed because, it's been so long since I've heard a white person say something good about blacks, I was glad whites would have a new punching bag to enjoy. Amuse yourselves.

It's cheap fun.

Glenn Reynolds will be pleased - and will probably offer blog advice, like Laughing Yoga, on how to continue to make it all go down smoothly for everyone else.

It sure beats ever making blacks feel at home,...


  1. I did not get the racism angle by posting a picture of the shooter. I did the same thing because he was the shooter and I asked what his motive was. Was it subliminal racism? I doubt it (at least in my case).

    You could say shooter is an example of how Buddhism is not all it is made out to be too.

    In the end, it is going to come down to really no answer. I might post "I don't like Mondays..."

    I have no inclination to comment about AA because I do not bother to even see what she is posting.

  2. "This Is The Blackest Post I've Ever Done (In Every Way)"

    In every way? Every way would include your post being, what -- sinful, inhuman, fiendish, devilish, infernal, monstrous; atrocious, horrible; nefarious, treacherous, traitorous, and villainous?

    Yeah, I see what you mean by "in every way".
