A serial adulterer (Rudy) a scam artist (Zigler) an Obama-supporting RINO (Powell) and, apparently, a drug user and dealer, is not the kind of sterling line-up I'd pay see, in hopes of straightening out my life, unless they're being used as examples of who not to emulate. But, for some reason, Americans today attend these large gatherings, only to be pitched on some other way to fuck everything up - and they can't tell that's what's happening: that their own gullibility - and worship of celebrity - is probably why they're in so much trouble they thought they had to attend this thing in the first place. And not only that but the rubes will do it over and over again, until they've got nothing left to give.
Then they'll claim to have found God and attempt to boss other people around - for their own good, of course.
If you ask me, the whole set-up - from the brain-dead attendees (and the craven presenters) to the brain-dead culture that would encourage it - is sheer and utter madness.
There, I said it. That is all.
Hat Tip: The Daily Beast

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