"The meltdown of the climate change movement is entering a new phase as the European left turns on the UN climate change office and the IPCC.
When the British press attacked the IPCC, the US media insofar as they noted the British attacks at all, dismissed newspapers like the Telegraph and the Times as right wing outlets — Fox News in print. What do they say about this latest inconvenient truth: that left wing papers on the Continent increasingly believe that the movement to get a global climate treaty is dead and that the follies, dilettantism and errors of the climate change advocates rather than the churlishness of their critics is to blame?
The blogosphere has shamed some leading US newspapers into paying perfunctory attention to one of the biggest stories in several years. But there’s still no sign that the US press is ready to pursue this still unfolding story with anything like the determination it deserves. Until then, Americans will have to rely on the internet to watch this story unfold — and every day that goes on, the mainstream US media lose readers and respect."
Walter Russell Mead, discussing the negative reactions in Germany, France, and England to the farce known as
Climategate - "the
'biggest scientific scandal in history'” - while our own papers
carry on as normal, doing nothing in
The American Interest.
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