"Not all members of cults are the victims of mind control. Few are socially inept or psychologically flawed. In fact, most cult members tend to be well educated and come from stable and loving family backgrounds. They tend to be 'normal' like you or me or your neighbor. I wanted to find out why and how people can become so committed. And I wanted to apply the insight from the most intense form of belonging (cults, such as Krishna) to lesser and newer forms (brand cults, such as Apple, and online communities.)-- Douglas Atkin, admitting this is a culture in the throes of massive cult control - but claiming there's nothing wrong with being manipulated as everything goes to shit - which is the same lie all cult leaders use, even those appearing in Forbes.
That was six years ago, and those insights were published in a book: The Culting of Brands: turn your customers into true believers. Since then, brand communities have mushroomed."
Yea, yea, yea. I ask you, seriously:
Does this guy - who's been studying cult techniques for his own financial benefit - look like someone with your best interests at heart?
He looks like someone who needs his ass kicked, if you ask me,...

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