Hat Tip: Althouse
"The first task of a serious political analyst is to see things as they are. There is a difference between morning and night. There is a difference between drunk and sober. And there is a difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. To ignore these differences, or propagate the myth that they don’t exist, is not only discouraging, it is dangerous."-- Bill Bennett, putting it to Glenn "I'm a recovering alcoholic" Beck, for claiming our political parties are the same and the country's currently going through (or needs to go through) an AA, 12-Step Morning In America - "kind of a head-pounding, hung-over, vomiting-for-four-hours kind of morning in America. And it’s shaping up to be kind of a nasty day” - in the newly-minted millionaire's smug-assed speech at CPAC, by way of The National Review.

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