"When talking on issues that he most deeply cares about, [Professor Ben] Goldacre is exceptionally engaging. He talked of his outrage over the Wakefield MMR [anti-vaccine] scandal, not only because of the dodgy scientific methods involved, but also because of the mistreatment of some of the children upon whom Wakefield tested. Similarly his libel battle with Matthias Rath (the vitamin supplement entrepreneur who sued following Goldacre's criticism of Rath's selling of vitamin supplements to AIDS sufferers, it is claimed, as an alternative to anti-retroviral medication) was touched upon, but again Goldacre's concern seems to be primarily focussed on the devastating and unnecessary loss of life from such ignorance."-- Hector Keate, on the one thing the "alternative" medicine clowns don't want promoted - the people they hurt or kill - that skeptics stay focused upon, in Oxford University's Cherwell.

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