"'Finally, there are many people in this room, and there are many people at home, who believed in me. Today I want to ask for your help; I ask you to find room in your heart to one day believe in me again.'-- The Philadelphia Inquirer
Whew, that's a tall order. Believe in what? The squeaky-clean Tiger Woods whom people believed in does not exist. All that's left is the two-faced, womanizing, narcissist Tiger Woods who is working hard to become a better person. He's like so many other pro athletes who were caught in a lie.
People shouldn't believe in anything about Woods other than his superior golfing skills.
He's not a proper role model.
Tiger did seem genuine in expressing remorse and wanting to get on with his life, save his marriage, and reunite with his children. Here's wishing him success with that, and with continuing a fine career. But, please, don't ask people to believe in what never was."
O.K., I can't believe it, but this "belief" stuff is beginning to get even sillier:
As a nation, y'all will "believe" in established religion, NewAge, quackery, scams, con men, global warming/climate change, other forms of pseudoscience, politicians even - any number of dumb and totally unbelievable things that no intelligent person has any reason to engage in - but let a solitary man stand in front of you and confess his sins, ask for your forgiveness and support in his endeavor to be a better human being, and all of a sudden "belief" is out of the question? How dare you? Do you think this enhances the credibility of the NewAge culture you created? If you do, you're a bigger bunch of fools than I've given you credit for - and that's saying a lot.
Here's my take - not on Tiger, but on the rest of you - from the heart:
You are the biggest bunch of irrational, hypocritical, contradictory, and cruel generation of Americans in the history of this country. You willingly "believe" in nonsense, and will torture anyone (or even anything) that represents good in this world, based on completely arbitrary and superficial notions that are as outlandish as the things you do attempt to convince others to "believe" in. You let Tiger get away with this stuff, as long as he kept up a false image, but let someone swear while standing up for the right things, like I do, and that person will instantly become persona non grata and unworthy of your time, respect, or - yes, love - because they refuse to put on the false front you so crave. (Ain't Lady Gaga a major talent, worthy of all the adulation you give her? Sure.) Like I said, you're a bunch of flaming hypocrites who wouldn't know truth, or honor, if it was snake ready to strike.
Where was this call not to "believe" when Obama was running for office as "The One"? Where were you as Oprah Winfrey spent 25 years pushing one stupid, harmful idea after another - culminating in the election of the worst president in history and the death of 3 people in a "Harmonic Wealth" con man's "Spiritual Warrior" sweatlodge? Surely not telling the American public not to "believe" in that crap. Homeopathy is sold in stores, Kevin Trudeau's sorry ass does a brisk business on television, and so much more, but now - now, when you've got a wannabe-honest man in the crosshairs - you want to pull in the rug and say, "no, not for this?" Figures:
It's no wonder that I can no longer "believe" in anything y'all say.
Tiger's got more credibility than the rest of you.
And, Buddhism or no, he's still a much, much better role model. And he got more sex.
And he's definitely a better golfer, too.

A cartoon perspective on the apology. Ha.