"According to the Transcendental Meditation organization (TMO), '...More than 600 scientific studies have been conducted at more than 250 universities and research institutes in 33 countries. These studies have been published in over 100 leading scientific journals worldwide, and they objectively document the profound physiological, psychological, and sociological benefits of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme in every area of life....' What the TM organization does not publicize, however, is:-- "Laurie", reminding me of the homeopath's claims to having "hundreds of scientific studies" (that no one can ever find) - different cult/same scam - like they're all reading from the same playbook, and praying no one will ever take a glance at The TM-Free Blog.
(1) that a high percentage of these studies are suspect. The research is specifically designed so that TM will come out looking good.
In addition, the quote above from the TMO website does not mention that: (2) a lot of the research is done by TMers or funded by TMers, and is therefore inherently biased; and
(3) when non-TM scientists do research, they compare various types of meditations, and the results have been that each meditation has its own strengths and weaknesses. TM does not stand out as best. These studies are ignored by the TMO.
(4) Research has shown that TM can sometimes be harmful. These studies are never quoted by the TMO."

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