Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spooky? (No: Spondike) II

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing is -- my dad would have agreed to the "12 yos. need to leave trick or treat candy for the little kids".
    In fact he had a showdown one year over just such a thing -- the older kids had to wait until the little kids got their candy -- his reasoning was that anyone over 10 should be getting some adulthood, which meant sacrificing their own wants a little. So, to the back of the line they went -- although they still got some candy. (Dad always bought the good stuff, so kids always made sure to make his house a stop -- he handed out shit for Christmas too; probably something to do with being a poor kid).
    Anyone over the age of 17 had better not show up for candy. period. full stop.

    But he didn't resort to calling the cops (he handled it himself -- and always won), and he was equal opportunity with both treats and ass chewings. ;)

