...The number of people using therapies that a reasonable person would consider [alternative medicine], such as Far Eastern medicine, homeopathy, and energy healing, is tiny. The percentage of ayurvedic medicine users is so low, 0.1 percent or less, that it is statistically invalid. Homeopathy: 1.8 percent. Energy healing: 0.5 percent. Naturopathy: 0.3 percent,...My point is that by and large, we are not a nation that buys into [alternative medicine],...and that's what the message should be,..."
-- Avery Comarow, being much more careful to set the record straight on quackery in America - because he remembers The Macho Response his previous reporting on alternative medicine got him (with back-up from James Randi and Orac from Respectful Insolence) - while reporting on the latest gusher of dishonest NewAge "spin" from the government and the mainstream media, in the U.S. News & World Report.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: we are in big trouble when this little blog - featuring an almost-unknown, and virtually-unsupported, defiantly foul-mouthed rapper - has to act as the last line of defense against a predatory belief system, and it's practitioners, who are controlling our means of information and the levers of power.
It makes me sick to think about it, actually, but - hey - it worked this time, right? You picks your battles,...
And a big shout out to Mr. Comarow for doing the right thing:
I hope there's no hard feelings.

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