BLITZER: We should know, James, sooner rather than later, if all this money being spent will work or not work, because the folks’ bottom lines, their pocketbooks, will be directly affected.
CARVILLE: Well, I don’t know about soon. It will take a while for it to work. As I point out, the most influential Republican in the United States today, Mr. Rush Limbaugh, said he did not want President Obama to succeed. So at the very top of the Republican Party, he’s not being wished well here.
Here’s Carville on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001:
Just minutes before learning of the terrorist attacks on America, Democratic strategist James Carville was hoping for President Bush to fail, telling a group of Washington reporters: “I certainly hope he doesn’t succeed.”
Carville was joined by Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg [seen above with Carville] who seemed encouraged by a survey he had just completed that revealed public misgivings about the newly minted president.
“We rush into these focus groups with these doubts that people have about him, and I’m wanting them to turn against him,” Greenberg admitted.
The pollster added with a chuckle of disbelief: “They don’t want him to fail. I mean, they think it matters if the president of the United States fails.”
How silly!

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