...As I frequently put it: There is no such thing as 'alternative' medicine. There is medicine that is effective, medicine that is not, and medicine that has not been tested yet. Nearly all of so-called 'alternative' medicine falls into one of the latter two categories, and those that have not been tested yet nearly all fall into the category of being so wildly improbable that testing them without more positive evidence makes no sense. In any case, as a cancer surgeon, I don't care where a therapy came from. I really don't. If someone could show me that reiki or homeopathy cures cancer, I'd use either. In the meantime, I will continue to argue that the very concept of 'alternative' medicine is a false dichotomy. Unfortunately, it's a false dichotomy that can kill."
-- Orac, letting a little (dark) sunshine in on cancer care, otherwise known as Respectful Insolence.

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