"[Suze] Rotolo got mired in macrobiotic diet regimes, deliberating over the I Ching and the texts of Krishnamurti. But, as she writes in the endnotes of A Freewheelin’ Time, ‘I see no reason to take anyone to task for the foibles of the young’ - and so her readers probably shouldn’t rush to judgement on some of the peculiar things she got up to in her youth either."-- Nathalie Rothschild, giving a free pass to Bob Dylan's one-time girlfriend - after Bob Dylan's one-time girlfriend gives herself a free pass - just as everyone seems to be giving a free pass to the hippies after all this dangerously naive NewAge foolishness they unleashed on America (anybody else notice it's always the same old shit with these people? Were there any original thinkers amongst them?) and just as those same hippies now, before they go, unforgivably "take anyone to task" for trying to straighten out the mess they left us, in Spiked.
Photo credit: Althouse

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