"The natural frequencies of air?-- Two comments - by people who know a scam (and the language of a scam) when they see and hear one - on the luxury site, Luxist.com.
Are you joking or what?
Luxist Team, I love the blog and enjoy reading about interesting products both in my price range and out, but seeing you promote snake oil like this incenses me! As a wine lover and collector, I recognize that there are wine-related products that work, and those that don't. Aerating your wine can allow flavors to open, and tools like the Vinturi work, although a nice decanter does just as well.
Things like this 'wine wand', however, are pure unmitigated fraud. 'Encapsulated glass jewels replicate the natural frequencies of air and oxygen and speed up the aeration process,' is the same nonsense spouted by practitioners of homeopathy, a thoroughly discredited (and utterly insane) 'treatment' for disease that leads to countless unnecessary sicknesses and deaths every year.
Crystals aren't going to do anything to your wine, there are no such things as 'captured oxygen frequencies,' and Philip Stein is laughing all the way to the bank after he rips you off if you believe garbage like this. Please, show a bit more responsibility to your readers!"
Isn't wild how homeopathy, specifically, is the #1 new prime example of a con? Keep reading to see,...

What the Cappleman!