Wednesday, October 9, 2013

If Glenn Reynolds Would Just Change His Blog's Title To "Insta-Up-Chuck" He Won't Have To Alter Anything Else

What does that star of conservatism, Pastor Rafael Cruz - Ted Cruz's father - believe? took a look/see to tell us:

And Ted Cruz was "chosen by God" to accomplish this - with the help of Mr. Space Age himself, Glenn Reynolds.

Makes total sense to me:

They deserve each other - and should suffer the same fate,...

1 comment:

  1. Jesse Ventura isn't somebody I'd particularly like to give the time of day to -- because I'm not so sure he isn't mad as a hatter. So, unless this is a direct quote from Mr. Cruz senior, I'll try to be lenient and say that this may not be entirely what Mr. Cruz senior has in mind.

    However, it is very well documented (and apparent lately) that the ideology of Christian dominionism/reconstructionism has gained a very good foothold in conservative American culture presently, and that this ideology has some rather far reaching ties to other things which aren't very pleasant (and that the Mormon hierarchy have, heretofore, actively been courting them as well -- trying to show how they both have exactly the same values; this is something the Mormons have done before, and they are a very politically inclined religious organization themselves).

    So...the very fact that the "chosen by God" thing even came up (and a good look at Mr. Cruz senior's website) provides pretty much a pretty good hint that something is most definitely rotten in the state of Denmark, and conservatives/Republicans should perhaps take note and do a little investigating for everyone's own good.
    Perhaps it's my bigotry as a lapsed Catholic...but some of this stuff would be labelled anti-christ by a lot of the priests and nuns who taught me. It is very millenialist/apocalyptic/19th cen. spiritualist in its leanings and carries with it a lot of 19th century ideas clothed in spiritualist talk (like, say, Social Darwinism)...and thus is quite far removed from orthodox Christian thought.
    It's also dangerously nutty, and probably should not be allowed any access to reins of power, but I probably has to do with me not being a nice person and therefore not liking nice people.

