Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If Sandra Bullock's The Tea Party - Do We Save Her?

She's been a holy terror, making racist comments on the side, behaving stupidly, and endangering everyone.

Is she worth the risk?

1 comment:

  1. I say "no!" -- with the qualification that: 1)get every well meaning, still sane person the hell out of that burning building; 2)try to save the Republican party, although it may have to be renamed after this; 3)some sort of rule about no more delusional thinking will be allowed anymore might be a good idea.

    If we could keep some conservative principles without having the crazy baggage it would all be good.


    * I didn't necessarily leave the Tea Party...I just found out that some of the kooks had pissed in the punch and the party left without me. Or: this isn't exactly what I'd signed up for, not by a long shot.
