Throw in dollops of quantum physics, Shamanism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, tantric sex and lessons drawn from his personal experiences and the movies (even “Star Wars”), and the audience was enthralled. And though he’s not in the ranks of Anthony Robbins and Phil McGraw (Dr. Phil), his appearances on “Oprah” and “Larry King Live,” and in “The Secret,” Rhonda Byrnes’s documentary and book that have become a New Age phenomenon, have won him a following. His own book, “Harmonic Wealth,” appeared on the New York Times best-seller list for two weeks last spring.
Mr. LaRosa, of Marketdata, said typical self-improvement customers are middle-aged women with an average household income of $88,000.
There were undoubtedly plenty of people who fit that profile in Jersey City. But there were also many who were feeling the pinch of the economy."
-- Ray Rivera, on what unemployed suckers on the east coast are paying $1,297 to hear "motivational speaker and self-help guru" James Arthur Ray peddle - that's the con man, looking much-too-obviously like a con man, below - in The New York Times.

O.M.G. they sent a clone to Perth Western Australia!
ReplyDeleteNow all the mindless middle class yuppies can pay $$$$$ for "Self Improvement Seminars"
You can learn all about how the particles rolling around in waves are all there really is to life as we know it!
Nothing is reality! It's only light particles!
Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics will enlighten you and you will be so superior to everyone else you know because you will understand everything!
You cannot blame anyone for the bad things that happened to you in your life it was all cuased by you!
But seriously, the universe was allowing things to happen to you out of "love" because you neede that to happen to you to make you into the person you are today.
Thank the person who raped you years ago, thank the person who abused your little kids behind your back, thank the people who ever ripped you off or hurt your feelings or bashed you etc etc.
It was all "LOVE" the universe was loving you all along!
WHOOPEE! now you are free!
Just pay us a bit more money and we will train you in how to brainwash other susceptible gullible "cashcows" into attending our seminars and paying out lots of money to go through the phsychological brainwashing we just put you through.
Of course you must drag in all your friends and family to attend your "Graduation evening" so we can con them into coming to a "Relationships and You" seminar.
Dont worry if the psychobabble reduces your normal healthy mental state into having a phsycotic episode later on because of the Paradigm shift in your reality.
Like all the victims of "EST" and "Landmark Forums" Large group Awareness Training Seminars in USA and Europe..
You know that would be because you caused it to happen!
Want to join in this lovely group?
Google "MJB Seminars" or try reading their Facebook page "Mitch and Mills' and see how all the devotees gush about how wonderful their leader is.
I cant find one single formally recognised:
qualification listed on the website or the Facebook page, for the guru Michael J Behan?????
Yet all these lovely middle class business people(cash cows)pay so much money for him to mess with their psyche.
Do you think it would be too much to ask Mr M.J. Behan what he did in Ireland before he came to Perth and started to teach his cosmic wisdom?
Maybe he is on a mission to transform the world one dollar at a time?
Surely if he has all the answers he should share them with the government and help create world peace, a perfect economy, and create a utopia on earth for us all?
Come to think of it, if he can create his own reality then why does he need money?
He should not mind me writing this as it was all meant to happen in the universes greater plan for him.
The universe was loving him.
All is harmony balancing good against evil, ying yang and all that crap!
This blog was meant to happen! YAY!
P1 of 3
ReplyDeleteI recall when I was young, my mother mentioning the word "Neurotic", when describing other people's (professional perhaps) opinion of her.
Many years later, I learned what it meant.
Excerpt - Wikipedia:
Neuroticism is a fundamental personality trait in the study of psychology. It is an enduring tendency to experience negative emotional states. Individuals who score high on neuroticism are more likely than the average to experience such feelings as anxiety, anger, guilt, and depressed mood.[1] They respond more poorly to environmental stress, and are more likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening, and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. They are often self-conscious and shy, and they may have trouble controlling urges and delaying gratification. Neuroticism is associated with low emotional intelligence, which involves emotional regulation, motivation, and interpersonal skills.[2] It is also a risk factor for "internalizing" mental disorders such as phobia, depression, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders (traditionally called neuroses).[3][4][5]
Having the opportunity to spend around the first 15 years of my life with my mother, and in somewhat regular contact over the last 23, I have been able to look back to observe not only my path, but that of my mothers.
Firstly for myself, I came out of my childhood with the strong compulsion to have a relationship & children - that was it.
In my subconscious mind, I was trying to fix what I had felt was broken from my childhood.
The reasons why I felt this way are another novel of their own.
Needless to say, it wasn't important who I found as a partner, or the quality of our emotional stability or relationship experience/skills.
What was important was that I recreated a microfamily to try & fix what I percieved was broken, In this I could experience the role as father of my child, and partner to the child's mother.
This was important to me, as my perceptions of these roles was lopsided. My mother had blamed my father (and subsequent stepfathers) for all her woes, including marriage breakups, financial loss, etc etc. When she wasn't blaming them, it was the devil, or satan, that was tricking her in to marrying them in the first place.
P2 of 5
ReplyDeleteI guess in my mind I was trying to prove the role of a father/husband/partner to myself - see if I was different to what I had been told all my life my father was. If I succeeded in my goal, then all was not lost.
The method I used to repair my fathers wrongdoing was to be all the things that my mother told me she wished my father(s) had been.
Self sacrificing, enduring, persistent, and most importantly - never abandon a woman pregnant with my child.
I really was set for the fall. The compulsion to willingly pursue this direction was overwhelming. If something was wrong in the relationship, it was my fault, and only I could fix it. It was not important in any way what my partner was like, because as the father/male partner I was the guilty/faulty one.
Two relationships later, I started to question my perceptions. If what I was doing wasn't working, is it possible that the methods I was using were flawed? Besides - Why does my mother repeat the same cycles in her life? do I really want to be a male version of my mother? Natural progression lead me to question established beliefs that I had collected from my youth. After all, insanity is repeating the same experiment & expecting a different result.
I realised that there was no way I could expect any more from someone else than I was prepared to give or be, so I decided to work on myself. To do this I needed to be as objective as possible.
Like in the movie as the saying goes - "Build it & they will come" - no one will come & help me buid "it", they will only come once it is "built". How can I expect a mature, beautiful, honest, loyal, openly loving partner to even look at me unless I presented the same in return???
I have invested five years into myself, on a journey of reflection, education & understanding. One of my younger brothers has observed this & has followed in his own way. As he has lost his father to cancer (and the fact that he never knew his father), I have seen my brother time and time again share what he has learned about relationships and himself with our mother, his only parent. He has purchased thousands of dollars of courses & materials for her to attend/read/watch/listen to in order for her to reach a greater understanding of who she is, how great she is, and how much better her life could be, but he has seen that he might as well be throwing pearls before swine. This distresses him, as he loves her & wishes she could experience a better quality of life.
My brother has come from adversity, like myself, but his own kind. When we have had the opportunity to look back on our childhood, we don't see the devil or satan as the bringer of our woes. I see our mothers choices as the pivotal catalyst for our experiences.
My mother has married & divorced five times, has birthed seven boys over 20+ years (oldest is 39, youngest is 18). These seven boys had the fortune to repeatedly experienced either/and physical, psychological, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect & torture.
You might think that as time went on, this would diminish when a person realises what their children have experienced, but in fact, the oldest of the seven experienced the least of this.
The common denominator in this was not satan or the devil, it was our mother figure, the greatest icon/person looked upon for protecting children. A lot of the time, my mother was the actual perpetrator of most of these experiences.
Now I have had the opportunity to experience life. I have travelled, loved, lost, learnt.
I now have a very beautiful wife & two gorgeous, lovely daughters, they love me dearly, and I love them the same.
I have a successful business, a great home, quality friends etc.
My brother who followed has had similar advances in his own life.
P3 of 5
ReplyDeleteLike my brother, I too have encouraged our mother into a greater level of understanding about relationships & the dynamics surroundng them. This has been to no great effect. The responses have lead me to accept that my mother is not only reluctant to give up her delusions, she clutches to them feverishly, as they give her a sense of identity.
Besides - she knows better than anyone about psychology, religion, parenting, marriage, finance. You only have to talk with her to realise this. I expect it is due to her vast experience in the categories.
The result is that when challenged about her long held views on her own abuse when she was younger, she feels threatened by the fact that the experience can actually be seen as a positive (just as much as she sees it's negative), the evidence of which is shown in her life.
Of course the pain & hurt has not diminished from these early eperiences from any effective therapy or treatment, divine or otherwise, as it is just below the surface. The very thought of challenging her belief is evident in these very postings that you have all had the opportunity to read here, and in other posts on the web (no, her real name is not Rozzanne or Roxane, SNOOPYDOG7, or Zoe Zoe, but it is the same person). In fact the evidence of her lopsided perceptions is in the life experiences of those who depended upon her while infants & young children.
Is it not true that what we fail to resolve within ourselves, our children are destined to live out?
"By their fruit you shall know them."
My mother is the eternal victim. It always happened to "her".
I have offered to my mother to come to one of the info sessions for MJB, so she could actually have the opportunity to create an objective first hand opinion of what myself & my brother have found very useful in our own lives.
She has refused to do this, and has warned us off "exposing" any more of my brothers to MJB Seminars. I have pointed out to her that the somewhat violent attention she has given to the MJB Seminars is what some businesses employ as "negative press" and actually works to promote the industry/business/products.
Anyone who actually knows my mother well enough, does not give a lot of weight to her exaggerations & rantings. It is always everyone else's fault in her mind.
It is very easy however to portray a poor devoted mother, concerned about the evil destroying her family by way of this new age cult of MJB Seminars, when you are anonymous. When you make up different personalities in order to add weight to your rantings, it reveals more about yourself than you really would like to expose.
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, apart from two phone conversations, my mother never attempted to find out any more about MJB from me. Here I am, her son, who she has known all my life, where she can see the vast improvement I have made in the last 5 years, and she will not discuss it with me - probably because as much as she knows me, I also know her. She is unable to create fanciful happenings or decieve me into a false reality, like she can in a place like this.
I have by chance actually met the lady who recently posted comments on the RickRoss forum. She told me that she researched the MJB Seminars after she found out about them from a friend, only to find these rantings. She chose to do the first course regardless, and was so amazed at the revelations & self understanding she gained, that she posted her response.
Once she finished telling me her story, I revealed that it was my actual mother who made the negative posts.
The response that she has received there reveals that instead of an objective, logical community, they would rather accuse her of "advertising" for MJB - that somehow she is perhaps staff of MJB or other. Needless to say, she is progressing to the next courses.
Please feel free to respond to my post, you may accuse me of being whatever you wish. I hope you get your jollies rolling around with the excitement of it all. I may even re-post to add more fuel to the fire.
P.S. my mother now has cancer, and has been given 5 years perhaps of this existence.
Be careful what you wish for - as a devout victim all her life, she now has the perfect, card carrying infliction to prove it!
If you love being the victim, it may very well love you back in a way you don't want it to.
P5 of 5
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!
Best regards,