Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Doctor Mom" Fails Again

"The mother of two Beerwah school children diagnosed with measles has queried Queensland Health’s 'panic mode' reaction to the outbreak of the illness.

...The woman, who is studying naturopathy and homeopathy, said she had 'no regrets whatsoever' about her decision to cease vaccinating her children,....

She said both children had been homoeopathically immunised.

She said the children had experienced different symptoms. Both had temperatures in the vicinity of 40 degrees but her son experienced vomiting, coughing, a runny noise and a heat like rash almost immediately, while her daughter felt ill for some days, without vomiting or a runny nose, prior to the appearance of what appeared to be a heat rash.

She treated their illness with vitamins C, A and Echinacea and they have since returned to school.

She is yet unsure how her children contracted the illness."

-- Janine Hill, reporting on another dangerous idiot in Australia, for The Daily.

1 comment:

  1. She is yet unsure how her children contracted the illness.

    From another unvaccinated kid. Duh.

    (Not specific enough for an Aussie version of the CDC, but plenty specific enough for other mothers...)
