"Few industries congratulate themselves on their 'courage' and 'bravery' more incessantly than artists and journalists — at least when it comes to plays about a gay Jesus, or joining the all-star singalong for Rock Against Bush. But it's easy to be provocative with people who can't be provoked. Faced with an opportunity to demonstrate real courage, the arts and the media shrivel up like a bunch of dying pansies. As I wrote in my book:Mark Steyn, already pretty sure you're cowards and fools - in the face of an implacable enemy - because you're doing exactly what cowards and fools do, to The National Review.
If it were just terrorists bombing buildings and public transit, it would be easier; even the feeblest Eurowimp jurisdiction is obliged to act when the street is piled with corpses. But there's an old technique well understood by the smarter bullies. If you want to break a man, don't attack him head on, don't brutalize him; pain and torture can awaken a stubborn resistance in all but the weakest. But just make him slightly uncomfortable, disrupt his life at the margin, and he'll look for the easiest path to re-normalization. There are fellows rampaging through the streets because of some cartoons? Why, surely the most painless solution would be if we all agreed not to publish such cartoons.
We Eurabia types aren't predicting a Muslim conquest on a set date in 2025 but a remorseless, incremental surrender. And, actually, we're not predicting it, because it's already well under way."
Hat Tip: Instapundit

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