"We'd like to see some polling data to back up that last assertion."-- James Taranto, taking what seems, to this American Citizen, as a unnecessarily cynical and confrontational stance to President Barack Obama's assertion that Americans "didn't send us to Washington to fight each other in some sort of political steel-cage match to see who comes out alive" - if I might add: another of the president's truly cosmic ideas, whose time has come so far that, if it wasn't on the table before, I vote it should be placed there as soon as humanly possible. What? It's not here yet? Why not? Hurry! - because I realize, now that we're waiting again that, being "open-minded", and helping this president get even his off-the-cuff ideas about what we don't want manifested, is each and every one of our personal responsibilities, each and every one, and yea, it's going to be hard, but The Beautiful Michelle told you not to get too excited because he expected you to work hard (you ain't got no job, right?) and look at all the problems he inherited from Oprah, and we love him so much, along with you, and little bunnies, and a box of pick-up sticks, with a whole lot of incense, lit with The Wall Street Journal.

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