"There was all this material about him that had been discovered and I thought getting a biography published would be a a way of taking care of all the black propaganda, rumours and lies that had been published about him. Of course I discovered that the lies that I was trying to debunk were actually the truth and that Hubbard had lied to me and to all of us Scientologists and to the whole world.
His whole history was a lie. His education, his military record, the antecedence of Scientology, his inveiglement in the occult prior to his creation of Scientology, his family, his daughter, his wife, his expeditions.
He claimed to be a nuclear physicist - that had a lot of significance to me. The truth was that he flunked the one course in molecular phenomena. He never made it out of second year university. He was not a physicist, he was not a civil engineer, he was not a doctor, and he claimed to be all these things."
Gerry Armstrong, a former member of that cult that's not-a-cult, that's really famous for being a cult, though few feel compelled to save Tom Cruise or John Travolta from it
because they love them so much - but probably not as much as the cult does - because they help keep outsiders from believing in cults, or
The Sydney Morning Herald.
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