I'm reading the Mickey Kaus quotes on Instapundit about John Edwards and, while they're focused on who knew what when, all I can think about is the one thing no one, not Mickey Kaus or Glenn Reynolds or anyone else, wants to deal with:
How Hunter - no great beauty, and with a wacky, corrosive, backstabbing belief system - got through to a man who might have been president.

Why it's the same thing that still - post-ClimateGate - allows people to go on spouting AGW nonsense, or declaring "Avatar" a good (not boring) movie, or lets Oprah off the hook for her harmful "advice" (and is still regarded as moral), or gives us the billboards I just saw driving home that say "balance" or "wellness" like they mean something: this is a post-60's NewAge culture, where no one has to prove a damn thing to be credible (shit, where any sign of credibility will sink you) and everything from the Bernie Madoff scam to the election of Barack Obama, to our failing economy, is a symbol of it, yet the worst thing anyone can do, career-wise, is point it out.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate to keep telling you this (because I want to be as successful as the next guy) but the truth is, collectively, your minds are as gone as Al Qaeda's. Deal with that and the rest of our nation's problems will eventually start to fall into place.

You know race is bullshit, just as I do, yet, somehow, it consumes American life like it's a normal topic for adults - adults! - to be arguing over. NewAge's acceptance is just like that: a stupid belief system, completely unworthy of our consideration, that's been elevated to a status far beyond it's importance in contemporary society.

There's no doubt, the guy is completely right.