Y'all, this ain't no American Idol, and seeing it makes me wonder how a nation that produced the level of talent seen here could think what we have today is satisfactory as entertainment. How it's not noticed that we've lost something vital about ourselves.
I've asked people what they do, specifically for "entertainment", and most would describe places they like to go camping, or sightseeing locations, or drinking at a meat market mingling spot, without a clue what actually being entertained - or being entertaining - is. Flirting (or the Paris Hilton-like expose' on YouTube) is about as far as most can muster.
There's also the tendency for groupthink now'a'days, which can kill individual achievement, or even aspiring to more, because to suggest that something else is possible, necessary, or even wanted, is almost always taken as an insult to the group - which is to be expected because they've literally been through decades of "sensitivity" training - and who wants to make those bozos smile when A) they outnumber you and B) they're busy making life difficult but never so much they can't do more?
Many artists would rather play video games. Which brings up the John Henry Vs. The Iron Horse competition between Man and computers today (sorry but, for my money, I'd rather see more of this than anything in Avatar.).
We've really let ourselves go.
Hat Tip: Boing Boing and Instapundit

You're asking the right questions. Keep it up.