"There is no law against cults. Even in France, the only country where such legislation has been passed (the 2001 About-Picard law), the prohibition is restricted to 'registered organizations that violate human rights and the principle of freedom.' A number of provisos were softened in the wake of harsh criticism from politicians and observers both in France and abroad, among them former U.S. president Bill Clinton. They argue that the French law itself violates the principle of freedom."-- Avirama Golan, reminding me of another good reason for despising Billary - who never met a guru/motivational speaker/cult leader, etc., that they didn't like - while also explaining the legal difficulties of bouncing weirdos in the can, even to Haaretz.
[Read the whole thing.]

My brain registers these bizarre juxtapositions as "Wha-wha-wha..?!?" The actual position Bill took on cultism doesn't jar me nearly as hard as him just showing up in the piece, since I already know, nowadays, he also gives these self-help tours with the likes of Tony Robbins.

Montel Willaims and Sylvia Browne are pulling scams together, too.
But see that kinda makes sense, because he's a sleazy talk show host and she's a scumbag "psychic", right? They go together. Now does that same kind of symmetry occur, in your mind, when it's the President of the United States and a motherf*cking motivational speaker? I short out.

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