"Just after midnight last summer, in a tent in Dorset's End of the Road Festival, a Biblically bearded Texan is talking to God. Josh T Pearson looks like a terrifying preacher, and as he comes to the climax of his song's violent guitar noise, his pleading look to the heavens is more than theatrics. This is a man who seems truly to be wrestling for his soul while playing rock'n'roll. It is as if nothing's changed since the August 1957 day in Sun Studios when Jerry Lee Lewis entered into impassioned theological debate over whether recording 'Great Balls of Fire' would send him to hell."-- Nick Hasted, on the subject of religious hellraisers - I once had a drummer ask me, seriously, if I worked for the Devil - like vegetarians, they're kind of an occupational hazard, at least for any musician who regards him/her self as The Independent.

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