Not too long ago, my friend, Ann Althouse, took the "enlightened" position of the Na'vi regarding
broadcasts of California's Prop. 8 Trial, demanding and saying of those who opposed such a thing:
"What wussies! Transparency!"

I took
a dissenting position - not because I hate gays or gay marriage, or openness in public affairs, but because of the ridiculous reaction gays have had to losing in the recent past - which I thought was ugly and don't want to see again.

Now today, according to
The San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland, California's supporters of gay marriage are still acting ugly, specifically trying to intimidate people who can't (or won't) fight back - before it was an elderly Mormon woman, and now, in this case, it's
a 96 year-old Mormon man. So, based on this, I've got a question for Ann and other gay marriage supporters (the answer should be obvious here):
Who's really the "wussies" - those who pick on gays or gays who pick on old people? - and is "transparency" really the answer when bullies are ruling the roost?
And then, of course, there's always the real $100,000 "wuss" question that's been hanging around for some time now:

Gay marriage advocates are pretty big folks when it comes to women and 96 year-old religious men, but when are gay marriage advocates going to march through black and hispanic neighborhoods, demanding
they vote as they're told?
Yea, yea, as Elton said: "I guess that's why they call it 'The Blues',..."
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