Conservatives always seem to have a soft spot for blacks who toe the line. Allen West, all of them. Then, conservatives "get" it. Oh, trying to reason with liberals and blacks, it must be murder.
And so it is. I've been in some pretty hairy situations, just for being with people who everyone assumes I should be down with, but I've surprised them with the other guy's point of view.
What conservatives don't understand is, they're no picnic, either.
See, if I'm with a group of liberals and blacks, and I tout the conservative outlook, eventually I'll find some heads nodding in agreement, maybe looking at each other searchingly, and asking a few - or many - questions. Conservatives rarely ask questions. Here's what I get from my conservative "friends" - and this is regarding the two bulging spinal discs they know I now have in my neck and lower back:
"Crackers is relentless. Except when looking for work."
I know - it's confusing, and complicated, but make the best of it and let that stand as my current explanation for why:
A) I'm still a Republican.
And B) I think conservatives, too, are in need of serious help,...

Dude, you are a Republican like A-Rod is a Yankee.