Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lem's Comment Home Is Now Full Of White People Who "Just Don't Give A Fuck" Just Like The Blacks They Hate

Re Crack's demand for a Grand Strategy, anyone who understood the first damn thing about US politics would know that the "impasse" will be resolved on the basis of [poll] numbers like these. 

Nope - first you have to make [Obama] care. You didn't understand his comment, during Syria, about "style points", did you? Like most black people, Obama has the ability to completely ignore the expectations of whites, so I wouldn't hold my breath that not being liked will make much of an impression.

Yes, I tried explaining reality to the extreme Right over at Lem's yesterday, but since I'm black like Obama - which means I'm not a real Republican - they didn't buy it. The Atlantic's mainly white folks so maybe, just maybe, they'll understand if they explain it:

Lem keeps a nice Mark Twain quote as his blog's sub-heading:
"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way"

It's bizarre because the people I encounter over there are against everything Twain stood for.

Today, it's Indians - again.

They're more like Obama than they think,...


  1. I think Indians would be better served if something a bit more important than a damn ball team's name was the center of any thought about Indians (the rez is a mess, and in the meantime Anna Mae Pictou's murderer is still not being addressed...or why "Free Leon Peltier" is a whitebread thing).

    I think we all owe it to Indians to drop the shallow crap and think about the actual individuals for a change (this could go for any group, and of course I'm not holding my breathe this will happen anytime soon).


  2. Which of course means, after looking at the tirade that ensued, that yes, they are indeed exactly like the stupid liberals they supposedly hate.

    Instead of saying "enough of this shallow shit; let's focus on the important stuff"...more outrageous outrage (hint: the GOP was supposed to be the party for adults, and this is the reason why they are losing).

