Oh, man, the funny never stops today - from FOX News:
Really? That's what you think? Wow - you're smart. But what, pray tell, do you mean "America victimized him and countless millions of others"? Whatever could you mean, oh wise white man? It couldn't have something to do with the fact that, even though blacks have been here for 400 years, Obama's only the first black president? You think he might deduce there was a reason for that, as whites worked out their anxieties about the issue?
This is true. Ever since Cody Jarrett was talking about his gun at Lem's place, and how badly he wanted to shoot someone black - and nobody white said anything because TRAYVON - I haven't considered him (or them) too bright. And I no longer feel as willing to try and get comfortable amongst them. Some of you might've noticed.
Here, let me try a word on you, for starters - Marginalization. Now, I'm not sure that most blacks are educated enough to know that word (even at this late date, which is saying something all by itself) but I'd bet a million dollars they know what it means. Most would say it's the story of their lives.
For instance, see those three black beauties above? They are beauties, aren't they? Then why aren't they featured in magazines? Walking the runways? TV commercials for perfume and whatnot?Why aren't they an ideal in America? Let me guess - because Kate skin-and-bones Moss and Miley look-at-my-tongue Cyrus are more attractive?
The word is Marginalization.
Didn't I just write yesterday of no one taking my word for anything - even when I've been repeatedly proven right? Or even when it comes to my own thoughts? I get no credit. No call-outs. Nothing. I ask you, is that not a burden? And considering I'm dealing in this high-faluting world of ideas, with academics and lawyers and doctors and shit, should that be the case, when I can point you to a billion white disagreeable personalities who are constantly wrong but, somehow, they make the grade for other whites? Whose fault is that? Could it have been prevented? Well, sure. I'm getting a lesson in how that works on the conservative side right now:
It's called "Sit down, shut up, and vote as we tell you to - we're going out with a bang!"
I don't know about Obama, but I have to admit to wondering - even in 2013 - if these fools really thought I was their slave,...

Do you have the link to where Cody said that?
ReplyDeleteBecause I will denounce it.
I am with Evi. I don't believe it happened. I think you imagined it in that fever swamp of a mind you have been stewing.
ReplyDeleteIf it was so horrible you can point to exactly where he said it and we can tell if you telling the truth.
I really doubt it. I can't condemn someone on your screams alone.
Put up or shut up dude.
I'll see if I can find it.