Sunday, October 13, 2013

You'll Only Be Whole When Trapped (In Their Embrace)

The way cults are handled (or not) you'd think calling Scientology a scam makes somebody into Edward Snowden:

Get real - losing everything, because the society you live in allows cults to have their way with us, is par for the course. You're an American. You should expect this. Nobody's going to actually DO anything. 

They're going to blithely tell you to "move on" - without your job, friends, family, and the money the cult ripped off you. Fresh start - broke and broken - but they'll say you're equal with everybody. (Think blacks and slavery - nobody owes you justice, blah, blah, blah - you get the idea.) AND - this being the NewAge - they're going to expect you to be "happy" about this turn of events. You must see it as a "growth experience," or else nobody will help you. 

Help you what?

Why, to join their cult, silly,...

1 comment:

  1. The best way to avoid alienation when departing cults? Not join them in the first place.
