Sunday, July 1, 2012

Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle (Rupert's Getting Ballsy!)

Very-interesting Rupert Murdoch tweets today:

"Scientology back in news. Very weird cult, but big, big money involved with Tom Cruise either number two or three in [hierarchy]."

 Followed by:

"Watch Katie Holmes and Scientology story develop. Something creepy, maybe even evil, about these people."

And then:

"Since Scientology tweet hundreds of attacks. Expect they will increase and get worse and maybe threatening. Still stick to my story."

And finally, when asked about Mormons:

"Mormonism a mystery to me, but Mormons certainly not evil."

To which I reply, if Mormonism is a mystery, how can Murdoch know they're not up to evil, as well? 

Fascinating, that during a conversation about Scientology, Mormonism should come up - practically out of the blue - leading me to think someone else associates it, as a related cult, too. (Murdoch did specifically use the word "cult" in his first tweet.) I haven't noticed many differences between the two, except for how they present themselves to the public, and how the pious and wholesome routine seems to work very-well on an ignorant and gullible public - including Murdoch, who, after meeting Romney, thinks it's "doubtful" Romney can win.

Like I said, interesting, especially because no one but Scientologists are calling Rupe a bigot. (And why is Murdoch commenting on cults, and their evil, when all these big shot bloggers consider the topic beneath them?) I ask you:

Where's The InstaClan when they're needed - or do they (as I suspect) play favorites?

And I also ask you:

Let's say I'm right (as I always am) about Mormonism - considering the major blogosphere is all-in for Romney, will such an extreme oversight (again) be a black mark on the "alternative" news-gathering source (revealing it to be as useful as "alternative" medicine) or will the truth about it be whitewashed, just as the major blogosphere is doing for Romney and his cult, today?

Considering the integrity of the major players, or lack thereof, I think I know,...


  1. After reading that Althouse piece, that I prefer Ann Barnhardt to Ann Althouse.

    Ah, but here's a link that might help a bit with the reasons why they had that revelation to not be so "white and delightsome":,533952,534228

    Leads to some other interesting stuff...boy they sure don't like opening up the books to scrutiny do they? Come to think of it, neither does Mitt...hmmmm.

    Interesting associates some of these folks have -- and who you choose to hang out and do business/politics with does say something about you.

  2. I suppose that now would be a bad time to mention that back in '03 Orrin Hatch stated that he had many friends within the (FLDS/Warren Jeffs majority) community of Colorado City and that there was nothing wrong going on there, huh?
    The same community that the DoJ has opened an investigation on just a couple of weeks ago.

    At the very least I think this summer might be very entertaining.
