Friday, March 13, 2009

Look! There Goes Elvis!

But a more important point is that Obama is ratcheting up his class warfare to levels that would make Marxists blush. This self-professed uniter is sowing distrust and divisiveness among Americans by demonizing groups of people and appealing to our baser instincts of envy and jealousy, in defiance of God's commandments against coveting.

Obama is sending unmistakable signals that he has an unconventional notion -- to say the least -- about the American dream. It's as if he's saying, "It's fine to aspire to financial success, but only to a point, beyond which you'll incur the punitive wrath of the federal government."

It's one thing to maintain that upper-income earners should pay higher tax rates because they are better able to shoulder the burden for essential government services. But it's constitutional blasphemy to claim that the tax code should be used as a weapon against the wealthy and that the state should be the tyrannical arbiter of how income is distributed.

It's hardly surprising that Obama degenerated into incoherent babbling when unconvincingly denying his socialism to a New York Times reporter. But given his war on capitalism and achievement, isn't it time we brought this subject out in the open instead of closing our eyes and pretending we all accept America's free market traditions?

Or would you prefer not invoking the politically incorrect terms "Marxist" or "socialist" until Obama's statist policies have worked their magic to bankrupt America and spread the misery among Americans in a reverse trickledown effect?

David Limbaugh

This is part of what is really going on behind the Administration fueled diversions most of the media dwells on: The meaningless war on Rush Limbaugh, inciting animosity for banks, bankers, Wall Street, auto companies, private jets (except for Pelosi’s), the unprecedented gloom and doom coming from Obama, the media hanging on every burp and fart in the stock market – it’s like someone yells “Look, there goes Elvis”, and when we look, that someone steals the cherry off of our banana split, and then tries to convince us we just don’t remember eating it.

You’re going to have to open your own eyes, as most of the media is extremely preoccupied writhing on the ground in a never ending orgasm and pathological sexualization of a U.S. president, arrogantly unaware of their festering stupidity.

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