Why are so many Americans so depressed about things these days? It is perhaps not just the economy.
I think the answer is clear: all the accustomed referents, the sources of security, of knowledge and reassurance appear to be vanishing,...
...There is a strange foreboding, a deer-in-the-headlights look to us that we may be clueless,...with a sense it cannot go on. Why? Let us count the ways.
1) ...This generation has gone quite stark raving mad,...hysterical,...
2) ...We have almost destroyed the concept of trust,...
3) ....I don’t want my President joshing about the Special Olympics on Leno. I don’t want him on Leno at all,...I don’t want him drawing out his picks for the final four on TV. I don’t want him paid for rewriting/revising/ condensing/whatever his earlier book while he’s supposed to be President, or,...giving the British a pack of un-viewable DVDs after they, in exchange, offered a tasteful gift of historic importance.
...I don’t want to hear any more Viagra or Cialis ads, no more douche commercials—please no more talking heads about penises that are enlarging, hardening, stimulated on the public air waves.
The sum of these foul parts is smothering us. I don’t want to know that there is a new sex clinic opening in Fresno, or hear another ad about how I can skip out on my credit card debt, or that some sort of food is stuck to my intestinal walls like spackle and paste unless I buy some gut cleansing product.
At some point, we need to say enough is enough,....
4) We are depressed and listless and angry also because I think that we fear we have lost all sense of calibration. We can’t tell what is good and what is god-awful. Where does a Paris Hilton or Britney Spears come from? What can they do?
...Peter Seeger always had more talent in his little finger than the sum total of Madonna,....
At some point, again, we need to establish criteria of excellence, regardless of ideology, politics, or of fashion.
5) This self-congratulatory generation can hardly, as we are learning, build a,...Bridge again.
The American people are, to be frank, nauseated by the archetype of a John Edwards, who never created anything other than a legacy of bankrupting doctors in order to enrich himself. I’d prefer one gall bladder surgeon to fifty Botox experts, a good Perkins engine mechanic to 1,000 deconstructionists,...one competent chemist to fifty government attorneys.
For the present I think that we have enough social service bureaucrats, enough consultants, enough PhDs that will lecture how race/class/gender has made us, our air, our dogs even, so unfair. We simply are thirsty for the unapologetic doer, who never says he’s sorry for himself or his country or his ancestors, but instead thinks and plans how he can build something better and leave it for others–the age old agrarian commandment “make sure you leave a better farm than you inherit.” Where are they all, in the grave?
We all seem to stare at the rare genius under a semi, working on the transmission, or someone on a catwalk riveting a girder, or a teacher who can wade into an unruly class and say “damn it, we are going to learn calculus one way or another”.
My complaint against Hollywood actors is not that they are talentless, though many are; or that they talk in the same tones as women did sixty years ago, but that they have no imprint, no trademark of individuality.
In short, to paraphrase Orwell, “If it paid better, they’d be fascists.”--
Victor Davis Hanson, describing the delusional, stupid, selfish and useless world these delusional, stupid, selfish and useless people have been creating for their own delusional, stupid, selfish and useless ends - AKA "The NewAge Paradigm" - as they hypocritically claim to be saving the planet, and loving everyone, on
Pajamas Media.
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