Very interesting:
Has anyone else noticed that in Mark Halperin's "Between The Lines" column, currently headlined on DRUDGE, except for mentioning "Mitt Romney can win," Halperin doesn't mention Romney as the reason - or even A reason - for why Obama can lose?
This goes to the heart of what I've said all along - that despite what all the hyperventilating conservative clowns said, Obama was going to lose this election on his own, and it would've happened with or without Romney's "inevitable" nomination. Mitt has made no major policy initiatives, said nothing striking, done nothing to earn our allegiance. He just exists, as much of a phantom haunting the American presidency as Obama did in 2008. And, once again, "we the people" and our country are being made victims of Washington's herd mentality. To Joseph Smith's delight.
Ugh - political cultism.
When, oh when, is my country EVER going to break itself from these delusional spells?

I'm still not convinced that Romney won't get beat like a rented mule. There's a lot of dirt out there on him and his associates, and it could depress the GOP base (which Romney has repeatedly alienated -- because he isn't into social conservatism nor libertarianism thanks to his own belief make up). Heck, if the truth about him ever got out then most independents and leaning Dems wouldn't vote for him either.
ReplyDeleteOf course, this is the same scenario that could happen to Obama -- and he has been scrutinized more than Romney, so there's that.
Both of them can't run on what they are or what they really believe in, so it comes down to which ones' dirty laundry gets aired the most and how gullible are their respective voters (and how much and how successfully will their respective sides' journalists and opinion makers carry the water for them).
Either way it doesn't make for a good scenario, nor a compliment of the voters.
I'm sitting this one out myself or casting a protest vote (Bill n Opus or Calvin n Hobbes, Daisy Mae Moses even, either one is morally more upright than D or R) -- there comes a time when you have to say "no" and I've come to it. Yes, I will be encouraging others to do the same.