Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Obama Ate Dog - Important (Assisting A Cultist And His Cult To Power In A Country That's The Standard Bearer Of Freedom? How Dare You Mention Such A Thing?!?)

This is a great cartoon, but you could just as easily replace Clinton with conservatives, and Obama with Romney, and it would sum up my impression of the race so far. This silly lie, that it's now "indecent" to mention Romney's cult - manufactured simply so Romney can have a clear path to the White House - being the worst transgression. Mark Halperin has also noticed how rank the whole process is, focussing on the media:
The President doesn’t think the economy is “doing fine.” Mitt Romney doesn’t oppose firefighters, police, or teachers. Yes, there are legitimate questions about the President’s understanding of how the private sector operates. And, yes, Governor Romney supports less federal aid to states and localities for such jobs than the Democrats do. But shame on the media for starting the week perpetuating the self-fulfilling prophecy that Friday’s gaffes will be a big deal in the election by continuing to pump them. These gaffes will matter because we say they do. 
How can the press ever criticize politicians for trivializing our politics when we focus on statements that have little to do with the candidates actual views or their proposals for the future? But also: shame on both campaigns for saying, in effect, the other guy’s gaffe matters but our guy just had some bad phrasing which should be ignored.

I'll also point out (at the risk of looking like a Rachel Ray fan) this same exact type of tomfoolery is the bread-and-butter of blogs like Instapundit and Althouse - who mostly assist in tying their readers into knots over nonsense, without providing much illumination on what the real issues are, but, instead, help in dragging us down, ever-further, into the stupidity of the lowest-common-denominator herd mentality that defines political groupthink/cultish thinking, etc.

I don't even know why we have blogs anymore, or, at least, why certain bloggers are considered smart/intelligent, etc., considering how little true information they're providing. Oh wait - I do get it:

THAT's what they win kudos for.


As the old saying goes, "You gets the leaders you deserve,..."

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