Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'll Give You One Middle Finger, And Then Two Middle Fingers (And Now Look At Me, Ma, I'm Flyyyyyying,...)

Few things piss me off more than people screaming, "Stop feeling sorry for yourself!" (Oh yeah, the world's shit all over you but you're supposed to be happy about it? Good luck with that,….) It's just a bunch of false self-esteem-building bullshit, that's always followed too-closely by the hypocrite's call to "Be humble!" - because, quite obviously, no one who was truly practicing being humble themselves could or would make such a demand of others. It's simply impossible, the jackasses.

What such NewAge Nazis are really trying to do is beat the humanity out of other people - attempting to create more of the same type of emotional cripples they are; a bunch of ethically-free pussies, proud of feeling nothing real - mostly because they aren't. So, after hearing Dan Auerbach's "Heartbroken, In Disrepair" on the radio (and enjoying it's opening riff) I'm posting this not-so-humble song of pain as a clear rebuke to those who - if they were in charge - would've stopped The Blues from ever being invented. Because honestly - when you really get down to it - there's waaaay more to life, and living, than someone being superficially "happy." And many of you bastards are the same ones - rubbing our faces in the shit, for yourselves, to begin with - so why should we ever listen to you? I'll never do it.

Just fuck you guys. That's really all I've got for you: 

Fuck you guys all day long,...

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