Thursday, June 7, 2012

Too Clever By Half (What You Most Certainly Are Not)

Maybe [Bill Clinton's] looking at the president and seeing what far more than half of Washington sees: a man who is limited, who thinks himself clever, and who doesn't know that clever right now won't cut it.

I know - Ann Althouse says it won't make me many friends - but I'm still going to pound it home, until you faggots respect it, and even if the acknowledgement only comes after I'm dead:

Whether you know it or not - in reality, everyone's following my lead. 

And BTW, "far more than half of Washington" is s-l-o-w,…. 

1 comment:

  1. Reading the Churchill quote made me realize it could apply to me, you, to Obama, to Romney, to Newt, to Bill & Hillary, [fill in the blank long list of people].

    In any case, keep up the good work. I will claim I get where you are coming from.

    Favor: Did you write a long piece about guitar players being difficult to work with? If so could you resurrect it - I would enjoy so much to share it with a friend who plays the guitar.
