Friday, June 8, 2012

The Truth Will Set You Free (Some Of You Anyway,...)

It ain't "God Damn America!" but it is a big "FUCK YOU!" to everybody in it:
"There is a temptation... to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy or faith-promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful.... In an effort to be objective, impartial, and scholarly, a writer or a teacher may unwittingly be giving equal time to the adversary... . In the Church we are not neutral. We are one-sided. There is a war going on, and we are engaged in it."


  1. Meh.

    How is this any different than many other religions?

    And what makes you think Romney is that big a believer? Then again, we said that about Obama and socialism and look where that got us.

  2. Aqua-Buddha likes him. Okay, that is not an endorsement at TMR.

    I am hoping he is going to not screw up things worse than Obama. That is all I am hoping for. If I am wrong, well we were screwed anyway.

  3. So it's ok for religions to bald faced lie to people if it advances their cause?
    What if the cause is to ultimately bring about some sort of cataclysmic or just very unfortunate event (like the People's Temple). It's ok for them to do that why?

    As for Romney, many say he has no core -- but everybody does, even Obama (which also leads to the truth of just because there's a core principle to people doesn't make it necessarily good) -- so what is at the heart of Romney's core? What are the things that he "cannot disavow"?
    Seems like his religion is one of them This can be somewhat ascertained by delving into what exactly his religion is all about...which may not be what the marketing message says (which is backed up by this's ok to lie, or if you'd rather, withold the truth if it suits your cause). This brings up the question: so...what's being witheld and why (other than they are at "war"...what war would that be anyway? against whom?).
