Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Hardest Thing To Predict Is The Future

"A self-proclaimed psychic who called himself 'America's Prophet' and claimed the ability to predict stock market changes was charged today by the Securities & Exchange Commission with multi-million dollar securities fraud.

Sean David Morton started to solicit investors in the summer of 2006 by promising to use his psychic abilities for investment guidance, the SEC alleged in the complaint.

'I have called all the highs and lows of the market, giving exact dates for rises and crashes over the last 14 years,' Morton said in a newsletter to potential investors. Along with his newsletter, Morton also used his website, public speaking engagements, and appearances on a nationally syndicated radio show to promote his Delphi Investment Group.

According to George Canellos, director of the SEC's New York Regional Office, 'Morton's self-proclaimed psychic powers were nothing more than a scam to attract investors and steal their money.'"
-- Matthew Jaffe, with news that would be depressing even if it was just one person who fell for this - this fool and his wife have a "non-profit religious organization" comically called the Prophecy Research Institute - but, with over 100 active participants, one may have to take preventive measures against becoming suicidal after reading about these clowns in The World Newser.

BTW - that "nationally syndicated radio show" is George Noory's A.M. Coast To Coast (click the tag below).

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