Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Well: It Looks Like The Earth Is Flat After All

"It's fair to say that 2010 hasn't been a vintage year for homeopathy so far. At the end of January, a mass public 'overdose' by critics aiming to demonstrate the fact that homeopathic remedies contain no active ingredients received widespread coverage. Weeks later, the Science & Technology Select Committee released a report that damned not just homeopathy, but the homeopaths themselves, ultimately concluding that homeopathy works no better than placebo, and that NHS funding for the alternative medicine should be scrapped.

In recent days, the homeopathic community have gathered themselves together to respond, and the response has been directed along three fronts: criticism of the select committee itself, complaints that evidence suggesting homeopathy deserved more research effort was not properly considered, and an appeal to preserve public 'choice'.

Homeopaths have found an ally in parliament in the shape of David Tredinnick, an MP who claimed astrology software on expenses."
-- Martin Robbins, serving up all the latest dish on the homeopathy front - including this example of how, no matter how hard the scientists and politicians try, there's no hiding or escaping the NewAge belief system at work here - which I already knew about, because I'm a Pisces, and I read The Times Online.