I love this photo of the great Alan Moore because, left to my own devices, that's how I would look, too, in my day-to-day appearance. I liked
this interview with him as well, because he speaks about a friend possibly becoming an optical illusion - and, of course, one of my last posts was called
"I'm An Optical Illusion (I'm Running Backwards)" - giving me a nice "Ah-ha!" moment to spark my return to blogging.
Anyway, I'm back.

And I hate shaving.
Why does the business world demand I have to be clean shaven to be respected? When I think of all the clean shaven dweebs I've met out there, fucking up everything they touch, while real men, who merely want the freedom to live and contribute as they wish, are shunted aside, it makes my blood boil.

I've got a few days growth as I write this because I spent the last weekend pitching back brewskies with friends (Four Words:
Hot Tub Time Machine) and there couldn't be anything better. I don't want to have to
scrape my fucking face now. For what? For who? Why?
Ain't it my fucking face?

Why not put barriers in front of those guys who shave just fine, but don't know how to brush their friggin' teeth? I see a lot of them out there in the workplace, but nobody says shit, because they're too cowardly to mention it to anybody's face, the pussies.

I swear, I will
never understand how y'all prioritize,...
Wow, kind of a happy post... sort of. Good to hear your spirits are up.
ReplyDeleteHeh! I shaved today. First in 6 days. I even took a shower. First since Friday.
ReplyDeleteFunemployment FTW!
I feel the same way about the inexplicable insistence on women shaving. Men seem to feel very strongly about it.