I'm a crank. I've been told that, and I'm treated that way, both online and off. For instance, I've seen so many parallels between our politics and Homeopathy, and for so long, there's no way anyone can take me seriously, right?
It's just a crazy idea.

Sorry, but this one's so good I've got to ruin my own joke:
"According to new research unveiled this month, women were far more involved in the atrocities committed during the Holocaust than previously thought. Wendy Lower, an American historian living in Munich, uncovered that thousands of German women ('a conservative estimate') willingly went out to the Nazi-occupied eastern territories to take part in the 'war effort,' otherwise known as genocide.
This news is disturbing, to be sure, but it's also not surprising. Anyone who reacts with shock to the reality that women have the capacity to be immoral, malicious, and violent -- just like the guys -- hasn't paid enough attention in history class, much less to the nightly news.
...Women the world over, especially self-proclaimed feminists, must own the truth about our gender's capacity for violence if we are ever going to be effective in combating it. With our recent past of cowboy presidents and reckless money men, it's tempting to sit smugly in our stitch 'n bitch circles and surmise that if we were in charge, we would never do what they have done.
Bitch Magazine co-founder Lisa Jervis wrote of this tendency in her powerfully original 2005 piece, 'If Women Ruled the World, Nothing Would be Different.' She describe a disturbing rise in 'femmenism,' in which all women, just by virtue of being female, are to be elevated and glorified. Instead of focusing on gender, as radical feminists should, she argues, feminists have become obsessed with women. This, she writes, 'causes sloppy thinking, intellectual dishonesty, and massive strategic errors.'"

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