I can't believe it took someone, other than me, this long to do a(nother) public presentation on the topic of how bad American music has become. Music used to be our strength. I used to brag that this was the only country in the world that could regularly put out consistently good music (of course, I was making a regularly scheduled contribution to it, at the time).
But now, with all the lazy thinking and bad taste out there - in music, other art, and even politics (how else did we get Obama?) - we've creatively fallen to the level of Europe, and whether we'll be able to get back up is debatable. (These douches even booed the obvious truth that The Dave Matthews Band sucks - Earth to everybody: they define the word "sucks".) My only real quibble with this guy is during the segment on band names:
If he can't appreciate the obvious genius of, both, the name and music of The Butthole Surfers then there's probably something wrong with him. (The same goes for Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel, though Mr. Thirlwell wasn't mentioned: check out "Nail" - the best album by an angry Jew ever made.)
And, last but not least, my final objection with the presenter is another obvious one:
No real man would ever spill beer.

Maybe you're just old and don't know what cool is anymore, or 'your' cool from the 90s or whatever is just gone now. Maybe your not in the right 'scene'...
ReplyDelete"If he can't appreciate the obvious genius of, both, the name and music of The Butthole Surfers then there's probably something wrong with him." I 100% agree.
Fuck that - I stay on top of everything, and am planning to jump into the new Big Boi album after work. It's the only bright spot out there.
ReplyDeleteI know bad from good.
The problem is most people can't admit, or tell, there is such a thing. If they could, Dave Matthews wouldn't have a career.
Neither would Lady GaGa.
As I see it, "Pants on the Ground" is just a modern version of beat poetry. And I like that the guy was calling out the fools who walk around looking like babies in full diapers.
ReplyDeleteSaw this, thought of you, Macho.
And on top of that, HuffPo writes this:
ReplyDelete" However, according to preservation site Mongabay.com, "rhino horn has no curative properties.""
as if there was some needed clarity to be imparted upon HuffPo readers. And on top of that, what kind of source is Mongabay.com anyway? So dumb.
ReplyDeleteYou got an .mp3 of yourself playing?
Of course, CMC. What did you have in mind?
ReplyDeleteI want to hear something - can you send an .mp3 or a link?
ReplyDeleteWhere should I send it?