"Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you the BEST and most IMPORTANT blog in America today:Hear, hear. That's also the recommendation of my sister blog, Panda Bear, M.D.. (Take a look over on the right.) Thank you, whoever you are, for spreading the word:
This guy breaks it down the way that goes far beyond the tired old 'liberal vs conservative' debate...... for years I have been ranting, raving and riffing on many of the same themes here on craigslist , but I have never seen anyone more clearly define what is fucking up America than this guy.
He is the KING and his work needs to be read and discussed by as many people as possible. Read this blog for a week and get tuned into the biting reality you've almost forgotten about... "
I'm truly honored.
To everyone flocking here, from CL, welcome.

Saw the post on Phoenix Craigslist referencing your blog, and immediately bookmarked you to my Favorites. Nice!