"It seems to me very odd, and not at all reassuring, that a country such as France, with a practically unrivalled history of achievement in all the major fields of human endeavour, should have been precipitated into an orgy of self-examination by something as trivial as a failure in a football competition, when it is utterly indifferent to questions of incomparably greater importance: for example, why it is completely incapable, after a continuous and millennial history of wonderful architecture, of erecting a decent building, one that is not an eyesore? (It is not alone in this, of course.) I have never seen this question so much as raised, let alone answered, though I do not think any reasonably alert person could drive through France without asking himself it."All I can say is, people willingly miss all kinds of shit when it comes to France, and I don't get it either.
Now, these guys - they don't miss a trick:

The Japanese video about "Sex Poodle" Algore was hilarious, Crack.
ReplyDeleteWhere in the hell did you find it?
They seem to have missed the Birkenstock thing.
LOL @ the hippie at 1:15 with imaginations of "Saint Gore." It's phrakin' genius.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anga2010.
ReplyDeleteIn the lobby bar of the Jo'burg hotel I'm staying at, I overheard a conversation. This guy was discussing how the French team's collapse reflected upon the current leadership and how bad it was. The guy threw in a bad word or two about Sarkozy and then said, in all seriousness, "The team does not reflect the true spirit of France."
ReplyDeleteI stopped myself from saying, "They went on strike at the worst possible time over a dispute with the manager when they all knew the manager was right. That does reflect the true spirit of France."
FOR SALE: French Army rifle. Never fired,dropped twice.