Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Miss Political Courage (And Have Rarely Seen It Online)

Here's a question from Glenn Reynolds:
Tea Party Tries to Sway GOP Platform. Well, yes. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Last I heard, when I attended (Reynold's favorite) David Kirkham's Tea Party gathering on New Years - also attended by Mia Love, conservatisms latest star - the "point" was to "create Heaven on Earth."

 Is that the kind of "thinking" Reynolds is in favor of? And, if not, why doesn't he challenge it? Expose it? Say something about it? I'll tell you:

Because he's a hack, that's why. 

I ask you: 

When have you last heard of this jack-off doing anything to rock politics in all his years as a blogger?


  1. It is not political courage that is so is personal courage that is rare. We should celebrate those who practice it

  2. That guy is probably dead (no one knows for sure). And that is what regimes like China want (and make no mistake many in the USA are just as evil as those party officials in the PRC).

  3. But what happens to people who do stand up and say something here?

    Oh, you're just angry, bigoted, a closet righty/lefty trying to demoralize/troll/stir up trouble.

    That's what happens here. There's a reason why political courage is failing in this country -- there is no room made for it (which in some ways is worse than being guy vs. tank dude, at least you know he managed to get his message out and somebody heard him and took some thought, somebody listened).

    There is no execution here (yet), instead you get excused. LOL (bitterly)PW
