I don't agree with William S. Burroughs on much, but I do when it comes to belief systems:
No body of knowledge needs an organizational policy. Organizational policy can only impede the advancement of knowledge. There is a basic incompatibility between any organization and freedom of thought. Suppose Newton had founded a Church of Newtonian Physics and refused to show his formula to anyone who doubted the tenets of Newtonian Physics? All organizations create organizational necessities. It is precisely organizational necessities that have prevented Scientology from obtaining the serious consideration merited by the importance of Mr. Hubbard’s discoveries. Scientologists are not prepared to accept intelligent and sometimes critical evaluation. They demand unquestioning acceptance."
THAT, my friends - in both word and deed - is how we ended up with a huge, and dangerous cult acting freely amongst us.
That, and those who were/are dumb enough to get "on the path" in the first place,...

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