Considering the way people feel about their pets, somebody should've stepped in ages ago:
“Vets say homeopathy isn't even good enough for the dog
2013-07-30 July 30, 2013, Press Dispensary. As Prince Charles has become embroiled in another row about the use of homeopathy in the NHS, British veterinary surgeons have denounced its use for the treatment of pets and other animals. In a survey of 460 veterinary surgeons, the preliminary results of which are announced today, an overwhelming 83% said that there are no medical conditions for which homeopathy could be an effective treatment in animals. This figure included the 6.3% of participants who practice veterinary homeopathy themselves, without whom the figure would be even higher.”
So, the magic water doesn't work on humans, and it doesn't work on animals:
I guess, if they're going to keep studying it's effects, plant life is all that's left,...

Brawndo isn't good for plants either!
ReplyDeleteI've gone at it from the opposite end of things: if it doesn't work on animals then why would you try it on humans? (and homeopathy has been circulating around the vet medicine trade for the last 20 years that I know of: first caught wind of the entire scam within the animal medicine end of things)
Ask me about some back to the earth hippies I knew of that wouldn't give their poor, damn sick cow the penicillin it desperately needed because "we are organic; antibiotics are bad"...poor beast; it was a nice cow, but doomed.
Then there are the vegans who insist their dogs and cats live the lifestyle as well...
If people want to "treat" themselves with such foolishness, hey, free will and all that; knock yourselves out -- but kids and animals, who don't have a say in the matter, should not be subjected to the asinine notions of adult humans (who should have more sense and more responsible natures).
*sorry, pet (ha!) peeve of mine -- I've noticed that what people will subject animals to, they will eventually try on those of the human species least capable of defending themselves...which should make us all shudder