I rented this movie last night, above, thinking it was a fiction. But, instead, it was a "documentary" - and a brochure for Democracy Now! Once I knew I'd been tricked - and was not going to get my night of thought-provoking entertainment - I was stuck on-guard for two hours, absorbing a sad but too-manipulative bit of agitprop for two young "activists" who, to my eyes, discovered the perils of oikaphobia in wartime.
They almost had me there for a little while (Hey, I'm a sensitive guy) but the ending made it clear I needn't worry because - right after you see one of these losers get out of prison for his former protest activities - there he is, right back on the picket line, allowing himself to be used again for leftist propaganda purposes. Including this movie's leftist propaganda purpose.
I turned off the TV, shook my head, and thought of only one word:

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