"I think that I'm so psychotic and so mentally ill that if I could tap into that I could do something really interesting."--
Megan Fox (not pictured above) saying what every NewAger
really thinks - so don't blame her! - to
The Daily Mail.
"The culture of 'no blame' divorce has become a sick joke."--
Liz Smith, attempting to be as "non-judgemental" as ever, to
The Daily Mail.
"Where did a chemist who apparently specializes in designing new molecules to be used in photodynamic therapy get such talent at throwing around quantum mechanical terms willy-nilly and applying it to the quackery known as homeopathy?"--
Orac, noticing something weird about how NewAge "thinking" plays out in the world of science, for
Respectful Insolence.
"Whether it is Professor John Gray hitting the bestseller list by deploying years of learning to tell us in 160 elegant pages that this whole Enlightenment business of believing in reason and progress was a bad thing, or the guys who want homeopathy and reiki on the NHS because conventional medicine doesn't cure the whole patient, there's an appetite for arguments that tell us that a reliance on the rational isn't reasonable."--
Michael Gove, catching the flow - as it moves from the stomach to the mouth - for
The Times Online.
"It remains unclear what motivates sufferers of Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy to harm their children,...or what benefit they derive from it. Perhaps it’s a means of gaining attention.
But what should we think when we see the same phenomenon on a much grander scale — when instead of a mother fabulizing symptoms or poisoning her child, an entire political class in power spouts nonsense about the state of a great nation’s economy and the causes for it, and then treats it with long-failed nostrums almost guaranteed to make the situation worse by any rational economic analysis?"--
Rand Simberg, on what's happened now that America's elected this NewAge "Party Of Special Things To Do" - isn't this all so very special? - for
Pajamas Media.
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